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The Last 99.930 Km

After seeing a detailed (down to .000) distance marker every 100 paces you'd think that - because it's the final count down, when many people choose to start their Camino in order to earn the compostela - they would have a BIG sign at the 100K point celebrating that you only have that much farther to go before reaching Santiago...

You'd think that, but you'd be WRROOOONNG!

The last 99.930 Km was... weird. With all of the feels, the scenery just wasn't as impressive as the rest of the way had been. I suppose it could have been, but I was distracted by the hoards of people that materialized around me. It put a bit of a damper on things, when I preferred that I could say "Buen Camino!" or some variation thereof, to each passerby without sounding like an overly talkative parrot. I will say, this dynamic was greatly improved by keeping with the good company I had already made the rest of the way. And we were joined by this guy!

We stayed at this delightful albergue in Gonzar. Of course, I have no photos to prove its magnificence. Suffice it to say, at this point, anywhere with fewer than 10 pilgrims for the night was pure heaven. I also followed the recommendation of a fellow pilgrim and stopped in Melide to try some (in)famous pulpo.

Tastes like... chicken.

Days began to feel waaaay stretched as we got closer to Santiago. It could have been the all the congestion - traffic jam! Honestly, I think we were dragging feet a bit, prolonging the inevitable ending. We had rain again too, in these last days, which made everything a bit heavier - physically and metaphorically speaking.

On the last day: Leaving Arca do Pino in the rain, I walked through a pine forest on my own. I needed the time to process what was happening. The smell of the wet pine brought with it memories from home. I realized that, despite my sadness in seeing this adventure come to and end, I have so much gratitude for the space that I would be returning to. I say space, because it encompasses more than just a place. I couldn't be happier for these past 20 months living with my Grandmother and her infinite wisdom. For the opportunity and having been enabled to take risks and challenge myself physically, mentally, spiritually. For a job in the mountains of my own country, which has provided a safe space for personal growth, not just physically, but emotionally too.

In that moment, shielded by the rain under the arch of pines, I wondered if I would even be gallivanting if not for the things that still tie me to home. And while I wished I could just keep on walking, I also found I believed that one thing will happen after another, all things work together, alone also means "all one", and that if I just take things one day at a time I can count on the fact that ONE DAY I will have yet another enriching and rewarding adventure!

Keep Moving Forward

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