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I take a selfie with a cow

I enjoyed my time at the refugio in Manjarín. Perhaps it would be more accurate to say, the refugio that WAS Manjarín, because that's pretty much all that was up there on that foggy mountain. Well... that and my Beau. ;) The refugio host spoke only Spanish, and he was very patient with me, so I got to practice a lot. We had dinner with a Spanish couple from León and a French Bulldog named Tyson who were just passing through on their way home. I spoke with them, in their language. We had soup and broke bread together in a leaky cabin. I slept in a drafty attic on a dank mattress - and I don't mean to suggest that it was "high quality." I was quite content.

I left the Fog of Manjarín and experienced THE best view of the trip. Or maybe it just felt that way in contrast to the 0% visibility that I had come from. Either way, it was AHmazing. And totally unplanned... imagine that? I had second breakfast up there on the mountain top and thought about everything I had to be grateful for... right down to the grass stain on my hat to remind me of this moment.

On the way down the mountain, I found some friends that I had met in Sta. Catalina de Somoza and ambled the rest of the day away with them. Ponferrada was kind of... Eh. Probably my fault for dragging feet all day, not having given myself enough time to explore the castle before the rain. But this was a good experience for me. I had learned to take time to "smell the roses."

Or Rosemary! The next day was Rosemary/Palm Sunday, but I didn't know it until I walked up on a parade. Everyone - and their mothers - from Camponaraya was out in the streets to celebrate. We had lunch in the square and watched. It was a beautiful day, and only just noon.... In the afternoon I took the scenic route alone and enjoyed the "other side" of the Camino. The one without another soul for miles. I like this side, it can be challenging, but also very rewarding.

This one was particularly challenging, because it had a steep steep climb coupled by misty rain. Not so much rain though that I couldn't still benefit from having taken the highroad with some pretty views. Whenever this happened I was reminded of that song, "you'll take the high road and I'll take the low road.... On the Bonnie Bonnie Banks!" #ShoutsOutScotland But I was the one taking the high road. In the rain. Cause why not? THEN. We climbed O Cebreiro. SUCH a fabulous day, on all accounts. Had some good times with new friends; bright morning pump up, coffee shop stop, lunch with a view, a good ol' fashioned hill roll, laughing and singing at the top of our lungs! Oooo Cebreiro!!!! Aaaand was oh so surprised by reunion with an old friend. So nice.

Photo Cred: Ronnie K.

Somewhere along the way I took a selfie with a cow.

I thought we were on the same page with the duck face... but she was just being a heifer.

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